Kurai Ondrum illai

Kurai Ondrum illai

This song is about the life of a Dalit during the pre-independence days. He was a great devotee of Lord Venkateshwara. He used to stand in front of the temple and indulge in the bhajans (chants of praise of God).

One day, in a state of a trance, he goes into the temple chanting ‘Govinda, Govinda’. Police arrests and prosecutes him in the court of law, as it is illegal for a Dalit to enters the temple. His case was argued by none other than Raja Gopala chary who was an Iyengar brahmin and a giant of a politician during and after the independence movement. He won the case for the Dalit.

Raja Gopala chary’s life itself had tragic undertones. He lived till ripe old age of 95 years. He saw all his kith and kin’s deaths as he was ageing. He wrote a poem showing how the life of that Dalit and his were reflecting each other.

MS Subbalakshmi sings the song at UNO. If you listen to this song with the above background you will love it more.

See the lyrics of the song and the video below.

No complaints have I
My lord,
Lord of the Written Word,
My light, my sight,
My very eyes
No complaints,
Though you stand
Where I behold you not
My light, my very eyes,
Protector of all earthlings
I know you sustain me
Lord of the Venkata Hill, so pure
You meet my hunger, my thirst
My hope, my prayer
You keep me from harm,
Lord of the Sparkling Gems,

You stand — do you not? —
Veiled by a screen
Only the learned can part
For they are the learned
Which I am not
But no, no complaints have I.

Descending in the time of Kali-yuga
You stand like a rock
Giver of Boons
Immutable God
Father to these hills
No complaints have I

In this benighted age of ours
Lord —
The worst of all the Four —
You have entered
The sanctum
A shaft of granite
Where though I see you not
No complaints have I.
Boulder of strength
With the Ocean,
Heaving on your breast,
Of the purest compassion —
My Mother,
My very own, who grants
Anything I ask of her
Can I possibly have complaints?
The two of you, I know,
Stand there for me
No complaints have I my Govinda
None, none whatsoever
Govinda! Govinda!
Govinda! Govinda!

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